Why do chilblains come on my hands and feet?

With the arrival of cold weather do you often see cracks and chilblains on your hands and feet? These annoying skin irritations arise precisely because of the low temperatures and humidity. In fact, what is manifested is an alteration at the level of the skin, which appears as a painful inflammation.

To be affected by the phenomenon are the blood vessels of the skin. In correspondence of the extremities of the body, therefore on hands and feet, lesions appear in the form of purple or red spots, the skin is shiny and often blisters or folds can also appear. In some cases chilblains can also appear on other areas such as nose, ears and knees. Let's see together how to solve this annoying problem!

Why do chilblains appear?

Among the main causes of the appearance of chilblains on the hands or feet is the slowing of skin circulation. This occurs as a result of exposure to very low temperatures.

Other possible causes of the formation of chilblains are the use of overly tight clothing and standing for a long time.

When does inflammation appear and what are the symptoms?

The appearance of chilblains on the hands or other areas of the body occurs almost immediately, after exposure to cold.

The first symptoms are itching and burning, which worsen when entering a warmer environment. The part affected by the irritation is reddened, swollen, there is burning and itching and later on, lesions or blisters may occur.

Cures and possible remedies for chilblains on the hands

By avoiding exposure to cold, chilblains on the hands and feet disappear within a few weeks. The healing process can be shortened by taking some measures that can also alleviate the annoying symptoms.

Besides limiting exposure to cold, it is advisable to keep the area affected by chilblains dry and warm, avoiding touching or rubbing the inflammation and any direct contact with heat sources.

The right treatment to solve the problem must be identified according to the degree of inflammation. The application of moisturizing and protective creams can help in milder cases, while when the phenomenon is more pronounced and the infection is important it is necessary to resort to pharmacological treatments.

What products should be used to soothe chilblains on hands and feet?

With the arrival of cold weather, the skin of the most exposed areas of the body, such as the hands, can become dry and rough. To soothe chilblains on the hands and feet there are good products that it is good to apply consistently, such as:

- Dermovitamin cream helps prevent the formation of rhagades, cracks and chilblains on hands and feet. It protects the skin from external aggressions, maintains and restores the epidermal barrier making the skin elastic, soft and moisturized, especially in case of cold, wind and dry weather.

- FDG GelCreme Arnica and Horse Chestnut with cold thermo-active effect performs a soothing action and promotes the natural activity of the microcirculation.

Want to know more? Contact us for more information on products to protect your skin from the cold.

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